Becoming a Mechanical Drafter After Attending School of Drafting and Design

A mechanical drafter is someone who makes detailed drawings of different mechanical devices or parts. These are technical drawings that have specific dimensions and details so that a model can be created from the drawing. If you are planning to become a mechanical drafter, you probably want to look into a school of drafting and design. 

Becoming a mechanical drafter requires specific skills. You need to have excellent mathematical skills, so you can interpret dimensions and other calculations to create a drawing. You also have toknow design materials, so you can create accurate drawings based on the materials that will be used. Being a successful mechanical drafter also requires attention to detail. The drawings you create need to be exact because people will use those drawings to create real-life models. Also, most drafting is done on computers, so you will need to be skilled in computer-aided drafting programs to be successful as a mechanical drafter. 

A typical day as a mechanical drafter would consist mainly of developing drawings of equipment, tools, and controls. As a drafter, you will go over specifications, ideas, and other details that are given to you, and you will create a drawing from all of that information. However, you may also have to work with others to develop these designs. This means you will also need to have excellent communication skills because you may be working with other people to fix drawings or understand specific design requirements. Also, you will need good critical thinking skills and good comprehension skills to understand the notes and specifications to create a drawing from them. 

Where can you get all the skills necessary for becoming a mechanical drafter? You can get them through a school of drafting and design. In just a two-year period, you can get an associates degree in drafting to prepare you for a career as a drafter. The best part of these programs is they will give you hands-on experience with drafting, so you can already have the skills you need to be successful in your career. Learn more about attending a school of drafting and design below. 

What You’ll Learn in a School of Drafting and Design

If you are considering a career as a mechanical drafter, you will probably want to attend a school of drafting and design. A school like this will prepare you for your career by providing you with classes including advanced math classes, engineering courses, technical drawing courses, computer-aided drafting courses, and more. 

A school of drafting and design like ITI Technical College can give you the experience and skills you will need to succeed. At ITI Technical College, we have an Associate of Occupational Studies Degree (AOS) in Drafting and Design. This program starts out with general math courses, but it quickly gets into Multiview drawing and drafting courses. Through this degree, students will gain experience and practice drawing technical drawings that relate to their future career. A school of drafting and design like ITI College will give you a specialized education specific to what you will need to know in your job. 

Reach out to us today,if you would like to learn more about a drafting and design degree from ITI Technical College,. We can help you determine if this is a good path for you to pursue. Our program could help you set yourself up for a great future career. 

For more information about graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website:


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