Benefits of Water Reuse in Plant Operator Programs

Many plants are always looking for ways to expand and find greater financing. Some are private companies. Many are run by cities or municipalities. So they depend on public money. In hurricanes and other crisis situations, many people lose their homes and other property. It takes time to rebuild communities. When wastewater plants go down, it could take weeks to get clean drinking water. This is why many cities are looking for ways to move their plants away from floodplains. Many are also being rewired to put key controls higher. In the 1970’s, wastewater plants made many of these improvements with a State Revolving Loan Fund. City sanitation districts were allowed to draw from one central pot and repay it. The idea was for this to become a revolving fund that would expand for greater use over time. The original SRF was solely for wastewater plants though a similar fund was set up for drinking water. In 2014, Congress expanded SRF to include pipelines as well as private sector enti...