Information Technology Training is Exciting
In today’s world Information Technology is exciting and so is the training that supports it. I can remember the days when computer technology used punch cards as part of data processing. You may not be old enough to have witnessed this procedure but you may have read about it. It was slow and awkward – it was high tech back then. Now we have small, fast computers and digital devices that are out of this world! The history and development of IT is also fascinating and is worth looking at a quick review.
When did it all begin? First, calculators processed numbers then moved on to transacting business activities. Over time computers became smaller and smaller and ran faster and faster. The PC arrived and changed everything. People began using it for home based personal applications. Next came networks and the Ethernet. Letter quality printers and expanded memories evolved. We have the Internet and clouds. Information Technology moves forward and college training tries to keep up with it all. It once looked like this!
Employees with an Information Technology Degree Increase a Business’ Success
Employees with an Information Technology Degree help businesses in many ways. This year Farm Bureau Financial Services presented a study of how IT advances small businesses. Here is what we can glean from the article on their website:
A high percent of small business owners use tablets
Almost all of them use smart phone tech to run their businesses
Square technology is very useful
Project management software helps to keep in control
Invoicing software track business transactions
Online payment services are on the rise
Email marketing and digital advertising produce sales
Virtual shopping cares and clouds also increase a business’ effectiveness in the marketplace. Employees with skills to use all of this technology are a real boon to small business operators. The owners are looking for sharp people with Information Technology Degrees.
ITI Technical College has provided IT training and education to thousands of students over the years. Our successful program has helped graduates improve their standard of living and find job fulfillment. If you are interested in getting ahead in this exciting field, visit our website and get started on your own Information Technology Degree today.
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