Why You Need a Degree for an Information Security Career

All careers need a minimum of training to get started and for Information Security it’s a degree. Employers will look for an Associate Degree and some practical, hands-on training to back it up. In a competitive job market people with the most comprehensive background and interviewing abilities get the jobs. Don’t sell yourself short. Get ahead of the game with the knowledge and abilities needed to land a challenging and satisfying position in IT Security. What does a college degree mean to employers? They see it as a positive sign that you can set goals, make plans to achieve them, and follow through to their completion. It shows you are a hard and conscientious worker who is willing to make sacrifices to obtain worthwhile things in life. Employers can see that you can set priorities on important endeavors and not sacrifice them for immediate satisfaction with less important activities. Take a look at this awesome info on getting an IT degree. Managers can tell you have gr...